[CTIA 2011 – Live Stream] SAMSUNG MOBILE UNPACKED (Highlights)

Watch the SAMSUNG MOBILE UNPACKED event that took place on Mar 22nd (EST) where Samsung Mobile unveiled the next evolution of tablet. Witness the world’s thinnest tablet, the GALAXY Tab 10.1, that is fully loaded to enjoy the best multimedia experience and explore more possibilities of the latest release in the GALAXY Tab range, the new GALAXY Tab 8.9. Exclusive on Facebook (www.facebook.com ) and Samsung Mobile Unpacked (www.samsungunpacked.com )

This is a full review video of the CM9 Ice Cream Sandwich Rom on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Wifi Only. Let me know what you think! Be sure to subscribe! Rom: forum.xda-developers.com How to install: www.youtube.com Blog: qbking77.blogspot.com Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Google Plus: plus.google.com ACS Site: ACSyndicate.net If you’d like to donate, please click here www.paypal.com All donations go to my college fund and will be greatly appreciated 🙂 Every little bit helps!
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