In the 7th installment of ESPN & Samsung Mobile’s Project Teamwork series, Sophie Cortina visits FC Barcelona; the 10-time Spanish professional handball champions (Liga ASOBAL). The recipe for their winning ways is documented, including some of the best athletes on the planet, a dedicated supporting staff, a demanding practice schedule, and superior innovation — including one star player’s own special shot! The Galaxy Tab 10.1 is there to help this well-oiled machine run even more smoothly. For additional info, videos, images and more from Project Teamwork, visit
And Samsung too is the best ^^
Spaniard sport is the best 😉
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SAY NO TO ACTA watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ&feature=player_embedded
SAY NO TO ACTA watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ&feature=player_embedded
SAY NO? TO ACTA watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ&feature=player_embedded
SAY NO TO ACTA watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ&feature=player_embedded
SAY NO TO ACTA watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ&feature=player_embedded
SAY NO TO ACTA watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ&feature=player_embedded
SAY NO TO ACTA watch?v=citzRjwk-sQ&feature=player_embedded
@YOUHANNA187 u right!
@YOUHANNA187 haha..yeaa