A quick look at the New iPad 2 alongside the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v – The 10.1v is a stunning device, with a fully functional tabbed browser and excellent form factor and weight, however, it is let down by Price and App Market
A quick look at the New iPad 2 alongside the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v – The 10.1v is a stunning device, with a fully functional tabbed browser and excellent form factor and weight, however, it is let down by Price and App Market
@Osmankhan786 my bad not the dev version the international edition the thinner one is US only
@79bnice like the name states its the galaxy 10.1v the international version. The 10.1 which ur referring to is US only
@cabutto woiii better hardware?!?!?
look colser on their each spec moroon!!
this is a failed comparison vid. from the of set he showed his ifan -boy bias by saying the device isn’t better than ipad2. when you compare something for viewing leave your opinion out.
@cabutto I agree!
This is not at all relevant to the US because a different, thinner version of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was released here. You should probably state that in you review. The US version doesn’t have those “handles” on the back and is the same price as the iPad 2.
That is not the galaxy 10.1. The Galaxy 10.1 is a lot thinner.
is it posible to buy this version of galaxy tab?
@myhsn777 you mean ios is better than android?jesus christ..
@myhsn777 iPad shitty specs are supported by a software developed for that shitty hardware. So everything moves exactly as expected by Apple. You can notice the laggy UI in honeycomb. Because the software is not written for those bullish specs.
And I believe iOS is boring but it is better.
Faster and more secure OS + Better multitouch + Air print + Air play + Airplay Mirroring + iCloud + App Store + iTunes + FaceTime + iMessage + Game Center + iMovie + iWork + Garage Band + Folders + All iOS 5 features = The best OS IMAO. iOS is better and by the way the iPad has better hardware and better battery life as well! 😉
I am trying to convince my mom to get an ipad for her new computer so i can play angry birds
GUYS JUST SHUT UP ABOUT THINGS LIKE WHAT IS BETTER!!!! both are good, its just your opinion. So dont say anything is better. AND dont comment when someone says thats better or this is better just let them be. so…PLEASE JUST WATCH THE VIDEO AND SAY THANK YOU!!!!! =D
Your logo is awful! try consulting a professional
@kedwardsTWO 6:20 my bad
lol how high did he say tab at roughly 6:23
HOT – Get a FREE iPad2! – getfreeappleipad2 (dot) us (dot) mn
get this for free frop? this repo ‘ihacksrepo . com’
@lceus There’s no such thing as an ‘androidfag’ There are only applefags.
@lceus Thats not the actual galaxy tab its just a developers version. The actual one is thinner and lighter than the ipad 2. Also the actual galaxy tab 10.1 comes with android 3.1 not 3.0, 3.0 is a bit laggy like you mentioned. Im just saying this not because im an android fan but so that you know the truth. I own an ipad myself so im just saying.
I love watching the war between Android and Apple x)
All in all good review helped me make my decision 🙂
Follow my profile and win iPad 2.
Crapple boy alert!!