Ipad 2 or Samsung galaxy tab?

Question by : Ipad 2 or Samsung galaxy tab?
Hello everyone!
I’m a student at university and I’m looking to buy a new tablet. I’m debating between buying an Ipad 2 or the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Does anyone have any experience with these? I’m going to be using my tablet during class to take notes, look at presentations, and access the internet (if need be). So my main question is….

Which tablet is better for students? Ipad2 or the Galaxy tab?

Best answer:

Answer by Joe
For school use, I recommend the Galaxy. Apple give people a hard time viewing certain files/programs that are commonly used in education enviroments. The Galaxy will offer more versatility, better hardware/software, and access to all information. Ipad if you are just bringing it to class to show people you have money and know nothing of technology. Good Luck!

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