For anyone that’s an avid reader of the site, you know we love smartphone smackdowns. We get especially giddy when we get to compare two flagship devices on the same carrier, so imagine our excitement when the Samsung Captivate for AT&T showed up at our offices. We’ve already unboxed it, and teased this matchup in our screen overview (Super AMOLED vs. Retina Display), now it’s time to get to the fight. We have a 10 round bout on our hands covering: * Call Quality * Battery * Speed * Browser * Screen * Signal Strength * Design * Camera * Text Entry * Operating system Who are you backing? The Samsung Captivate or the iPhone 4? TechnoBuffalo: Follow me on twitter
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Apple iPhone Vs Samsung Galaxy S da
Video Rating: 4 / 5
My thoughts exactly. I mean how much power do you need?
I just hope Samsung keeps support up and doesn’t leave us with 2.2 and never give us Gingerbread or above.
@Mitchgrunge93 id have to agree with you, alot of people have complained of some glitchs, i think deleting all the bloatware helps alot, ive read that alot of places. im pretty sure its upgradable to froyo and 3.0 too.. so i duno, its a gamble, i think im just gonna get it. the s2 just seems like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.. you know what i mean, by the time thats out there will be a 4ghz processor down the road.. you cant keep up hahah
Very true. I think I’m just going to get the Captivate. But I’m a little scared of these hardware glitches I’m hearing about.
@Mitchgrunge93 dude you gotta ask yourself… do you need the processing power of your fucking home computer in a phone?! the galaxy s2 has a 2ghz processor, 1 GB RAM, 4 GB ROM, full HD video recording, a 4.3 inch samoled display, android 3.0… dude, thats a phone on steroids!!!! its almost to much hahah, get a captivate man,. unless you wanna wait.
Could someone please help make a desicion i currently own a samsung vibrant and currently considering trading to an iphone i am sick and tired of the vibrant constantly freezing and this has been pretty much with all the android devices i owned. thanks for the imput!!
@Cheat090 Samsung galaxy = android.
This video is about Samsung now, not Android.
@Cheat090 LOL, no thumbs up. really fanboy Android already won
I am seriously about to ditch Apple and iPhone buy why do I feel scared like I am taking a huge risk by going over to Android and a Samsung Captivate I think I am worried about the quality of the Samsung and whether they will support it after all they keep promising Frodo2.2 and it is no where in sight officially???
ive extensively used iOS and Android and i have to say that android is by far the winner.
@mythic89 yes. ditch apple!!!! theres way more phones out of the market that are better than any iphone. iphone is the most basic smartphone on the market right now. i ditched my iphone to get a HTC HD2 and didn’t regret it. I later installed android on my HD2 and android is far better than iOS4. Trust me, you won’t go wrong getting a different phone. I would advise you to sell your iphone on ebay and buying another phone off ebay so you wont have to get locked into another contract.
@evilmonkey2747 asking people to “THUMBS UP” is pandering and it’s oh so lame
prolly the best review ive ever seen …. though you shouldve talked about the price which is a major aspect
HELP! I am driving myself crazy trying to decide whether to ditch my IPhone 3G and ditch Apple altogether and switch to the Android and Samsung Captivate. I have heard that the Captivate has many issues like the phone shutting down multiple times for no reason , that the GPS is crap and worthless and that the IPhone processor is faster and that the Amoled screen in Captivate us fuzzy compared to IPhone 4. Please HELP I need straight no bullshit answers as I will be locked into another 2 year co
The samsung clearly beated the iphone in all categories. Im not saying this cuase im an android fan, i’m just saying what i saw.
@len0808 Uhm that would be the android store, Even fanboys know this
@evilmonkey2747 Thumbs down if you’re a retarded attention whore that leaves “thumbs up” comments.
Captivate is the shit. I rooted mine and upgraded it to android 2.2. Fuck steve jobs and his apple minions.
Thumbs up if you think iPhone is bette than Samsung Galaxy S, that one looks more like a wannabe-iPhone.
LOL I am a iOS user. I can say that iOS users can be some real BIAS stuck up Fags!
At the same time Android users think that the little green robot symbolizes power and therefore their phone is better than any other phone.
Captivate FTW.
you mean comparing apple’s to samsung’s right?
yeah if i were in your position i’d get the captivate as well since you already have the ipod touch. but i guess i’ll go with the iphone since i own a mac and already have so many accessories for my previous iphone
iPhone is so much better.
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@alexbondino oki oki xD
@luca9999ful be sai scrivendo veloce a volte capita che salti una lettere o la digiti legermente e non te la scrive pernzaci capita a tutti ogni tanto
@alexbondino si certo iphon -.- che cosa è?Nu sciugacapelli!??! iPhone si dice xD
raga quale consigliereste per una persona che ama si i cellulari tecnologici…ma che non vuole dover smanettarci tutti i giorni per farlo andare bene;cioè vorrei un cell che mi permettesse di utilizzarlo a piena potenza senza doverci lavorare troppo sopra… anche ipotizzando magari di acquistare un ipotetico iphone 5 o un galaxy s2…cioè parlo proprio di stile di cell,in generale tra iphone e galaxy…grazie
molot meglio il galaxy
@TanoSoft: io ho già comprato il Galaxy S. E non me ne sono pentito assolutamente. Troppa poca differenza fra i due telefoni o troppa la differenza di prezzo. Ma vallo a dire ai convinti! Solo perché è Apple. E se vedi bene, gli i-Phone user, la mettono tutta sul piano del prezzo: perché l’i-Phone è da ricchi, secondo loro. Ma altre motivazioni tecniche? Ce ne saranno…ma non palesi tali da giustificarne i prezzi così diversi.
Aifon? -.-” si scrive? iPhone..@TheSillyNana
Io sapevo iPhogn,,,,
@TheSillyNana Io sapevo iPhogn
@TheSillyNana io sapevo iPhogn…
io sapevo iPhogn…
io sapevo iPhogn…
@DjHouselover88 e ti sembra una cosa da niente la mancanza di supporto flash?? hahahahah
io sarei pure malato come voi li comprerei tutti e due
Ah e se proprio volessi un cellulare con Android…. valuterei il desire HD o il desire piuttosto che questo…
Non dovete contare solo i dati e le prove tecniche… HTC supporta meglio i cellulari di Samsung (intendo come release dell’O.S.), Sense è una figata e il cellulare non è tutta plasticaccia come questo…
Iphone costa 660 euro, il samsung 500. Ma non basta fare questi confronti…
Il market android confronto a quello apple è limitatissimo… pieno di programmini free come appstore ma mancano i grandi sviluppatori…
I materiali con cui sono costruiti gli iphone non sono neanche paragonabili alla plastica con cui è stato fatto questo galaxy S.
Per non parlare dello schermo del galaxy che al sole si fatica a vedere….
E parlo perchè li ho provati entrambi…. non è così banale il paragone…
l’iphone costa 660 cmq 😉
sulla rotazione samsung batte apple????
apple ha l’animazione…
prova a mettere l’animazione sul samsung…
si impalla…
beh infatti una tecnologia come quella della apple che non integra il flash è veramente scandaloso ed il tutto solo per degli screzi!!!
Apple su iphone te la potevi proprio evitare sta stronzata!!
@TanoSoft prendi quello che vuoi, ma lascia perdere l’n8 ..personalmente io mi sono buttato sul samsung, costa 100 euro di meno, ha piu’ funzionalita’ e piu’ integrazioni avendo un sistema operativo libero.l’n8 non ha la scheda video dedicata, NON ha 512mb di ram e NON ha 1g. di processore… usa ancora il simbyan si impianta!! e costa 500 euro… il suo prezzo sarebbe massimo 350. MOLLALO
@djugopiazza Aifon? -.-” si scrive iPhone..
@DjHouselover88 verissimo poi dice che l’iphon è piu definito il colore se samsung e super amoled -.-
ma cosa ve ne fate poi di tutti questi cellulari???
I love the Galaxy S.
With Kernelmod and Lag/Colourfix, its the best phone!
While watching this, I wish, I can understand it.
Things I understand:
Galaxy S
@HybridCore93 il samsung galaxy costa 500€ l iphone 650€ come fai a comprarne 2??
@melanzone pensa che te ne compravi due di samsung con il prezzo di un iphone. e considera che a prestazioni si equilibrano… perché spendere il doppio per la stessa cosa?