by clintonjeff
Question by Ms.Oblivious: Is bigger really better?
I was having a pointless facebook argument with a friend over the Apple iPad. He thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world and I think it’s a peice of crap and that there are better things coming out soon (ex. Galaxy Tab, Playbook).
When I started looking into it, it seems like Apple wasn’t worried about their future “tablet war” compotition. Their reason: The screen is 9 inches. This happens to be one of the reasons why I don’t the the iPad in the first place. It’s huge and heavy.
My question is would you rather have a larger tablet or a smaller one.
Best answer:
Answer by Nikolas Stow
Actually the iPad is very slim and lightweight. It has over 250,000 apps in the appstore and almost 100,000 made for the ipad and it’s display. on the other hand, the Galaxy Tab is heavy and thick, and still can’t fit in your pocket. Has under 5,000 apps and what’s the use of carry a backpack just to put a heavy tablet that almost fits in you pocket but just doesn’t
What do you think? Answer below!
It could go either way. It really depends on its entertainment value. I, personally like a bigger screen if I kept it around my house or something, but if I wanted to carry it around, smaller fo’ sho. But if the smaller one could make me fly and give me super powers, and the bigger one gave me aids, I’d definitely like the smaller one better.
Hi there,
You are right; it’s a pointless argument.
Apple makes very good products. They use quality components, have a great design and charge accordingly.
Other manufacturers also make some very good products. Some manufacturers make products that are not so good. You can usually tell by the price which is better. Whenever a manufacturer makes a product that is “good” people will buy it. If a product has too many flaws not as many are sold and the company has either to improve or quit making them. Folks “vote” with their pocketbooks and only the best survive.
As far as design you need to go to an electronics store and actually try some of the tablets to see which work the best for you. After all it is your money you are spending.
In the case of the tablets one thing to remember is “where do the applications come from?”.
Apple apps are tied in with their Apple store while the others have apps from third party sources.
One thing I personally do not like about Apple is you have to send it in or take it to the Apple store to change the battery.
At any rate it is really up to individual taste as to which to buy. In your case you want one that is smaller. Someone else wants a bigger one. You are both right.
Hope this helps,