Samsung is the latest phone maker using Google’s Android operating system trying to turn heads. The company hopes consumers will snatch up its new Galaxy S smart phones, which are both attractive on the surface and well-appointed under the hood. (Aug. 18)
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girls are ususally hot….she isnt
@jimmah55555 you’re a fucking prick. ya know that? you clearly have NO IDEA what you’re talking about you whore.
@tsoppannos get an evo same shit with 4g
What a boring ass fucken review! It wouldn’t kill u to smile either! Remember u r reviewing technology cause “u like it” well show it then u bitch!!!!
Ima still go with HTC Desire HD
Her voice makes my ears bleed 🙁
@jimmah55555 lol all I’m hearing is Steve Jobs marketing tactics…slander the crap out of the competition’s products and say nothing about what exactly the iphone does better, and for that matter, what it doesn’t do better…or doesn’t do at all. All I hear is sheeplish…have you any proof this will break quicker and has ‘less batteries blah blah blah’?
Actually don’t. Just…stick to your iphone mate. Let the brains trust handle the rest of the smartphone market for you. It’s safer that way.
@ jimmah5555dumb guy, Your mom smoked when you was in her stomach I bet? I have a iphone 4g and samsung galaxy s (typical spoiled asian kid) dude if you dont know the software involved in both phone dont think or try or even type like you know wtf your talking about… ppl are reading what you wrote & thinking your a fool,dumb ass, thinks he know it all cause iphone been more promoted… buddy you dont know sh#t.
fyi im in usc enginering for software.
thumps up for dumb ass jimmah cheers
@BrEnNo1023 The Samsung’s Galaxy S Smart Phones is the nerd’s phone.
Its cheaper than the iPhone for a reason. It does less, will break quicker, is heavier, less batteries and looks SOOO much worse.
The Galaxy S is the nerds / poor mans iPhone.
@jimmah55555 lol…kidding right? this is the SMART man’s iphone.
The iphone’s market is little kids who wanna play angry birds, yuppies who wanna look cool like their big blackberry-wielding exec bosses, and teenagers that wanna look cool like all the other cool kids with their cool iphones; and of course dimwitted people in general who believe it when Steve Jobs tells them they’re getting more for less when they’re actualy PAYING more for less.
The iphone is the sheep’s smartphone.
lol @ your nerdrage
The limitations with the iPhone is rather easy to overcome as long as you jailbreak it which is easy. I just bought an iPod touch and made it to be an iPhone, rather easy. The htc is beautiful and best of all it runs Linux out of the box ie android. The new galaxy is sexy but the lack of flash is annoying.
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@jimmah55555 They cost the same, though???? Logic fail.
This is what you get when you let a woman review technology. This stupid cunt didnt even go into tech specs.The only noted the way it ‘looks like an iphone’. The samsung s-AMOLED screen actually uses less battery than a regular screen. Also; you need to give a new batter several charge cycles before its working 100% It also has a GPU accelerated CPU which gives you a framerate of 55 compared to 20 in the HTC desire/iphone4 etc.
@phoghat I have a 3gs and the wife has a galaxy s and they are both great peices of kit. I had to jailbreak my iphone though to get the best out of it and its not as quick as the samsung either. I would happily use either and the galaxy is a more cost effective option too.
The poor man but smart man you mean
Why pay more for something that Jobs says what you can or can’t do with it
She’s got a great big coldsore
Iphone is amazing! It changed everyone in phones!!!..
This phone Kicks the IPhones butt!
Larger Screen
Beautiful Super AMOLED
Cannot decide if I want it over the EVO though.
But thank you- I needed a laugh!
@jimmah55555 the iPhone is SHIT!! i have one and hate the bloody limitations, this phone looks amazing
Anyone else got the following problems: My sound suddenly went really low, eventhough I turned it up to max? And I couldnt go back to the starting screen from menu with the back arrow button for a while. It got fixed after restarting my galaxy but I only got this phone for 2 days..
The poor mans iPhone