At CTIA Wireless, Samsung announced the upcoming availability of the Samsung Galaxy S a smart phone with 4 Super AMOLED display, 1GHz processor, Samsungs unique Social Hub, Layar Reality Broswer and advanced LBS features. The Galaxy S will be available in Europe, North America, Latin America, Australia, and Asia soon.
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@Razor2900 yh google and android better by loads
we’ve come a long way from the T-Mobile G1. The galaxy S series, imo, are the only phones that are truly good alternatives to the iPhone.
radies and gentremen
Korean Samsung FTW
Damn, for the first time, a cell phone company REALLY did its homework before rushing their phone onto the market. I tested a demo at T-mobile and am sold. And yes, it’s VERY light.
@Uhmsters This was posted in March. When the fuck did iPhone 4 come out.
I want 2.2 already !!!!!
Por que he de confiar nuevamente en Samsung….he tenido un Jet ahora tengo un Omnia I8000, es increíble lo que se cuelga, y no le achaquemos a WM6.0 porque tengo una htc diamon y va fenomenal…..en definitiva se han empeñado en hacerle la competencia a Iphone pero yo estoy esperando el mío porque porque el tiempo lo dice todo y no pienso confiar en ningún otro….saludos..
@Uhmsters samsung didn’t lie. iphone 4 came AFTER the galaxy s, so at the time of this keynote it was the thinnest.
@Uhmsters no,does iPhone have android?NO.The Galaxy S is the thinnest ANDROID phone.But I agree on the fact that the iPhone is slightly thinner making it “The thinnest phone in the planet” or whatever Steve Jobs said… 🙂
Galaxy ASS as bada ass 😀 they do like asses
Samsung Galaxy AAAASS:)
iPhone is the thinnest Smartphone. 9.3mm. Samsung lied.
@sumimimi0 Yup~ Im Byuing the galaxy s too… and the new Android 2,2 is Much Better~!!
i don’t like apple products and my father owns this galaxy!! it rocks. my mother needs to change phone, galaxy should be a better option than iphone right?? any ideas?? please answer me
@UltramanTiga333 yeah. i don’t understand ppl who likes apple. sucks. apple the worst phone. i found that my ipod touch and iphone, the metal always bend after dropping..
mmmmm htc hd still doing better than samsung LOL
i have one and it ROCKS!!!!!!My friend’s iPhone 4 can suck my dick…..or at least the iphone owner(my friend lol) after a month of owning the iPhone,my friend says “I HATE the iPhone…the apps are too expensive and now what’s the use?I can’t even call properly” lol my friend and his iPhone got OWNED….
All I have to say is:ANDROID AND SAMSUNG FTW!!!
i have it, best phone ever! but get the vibrant galaxy s
Gil Fucksberg
iphone just got pwnded.
i have this phone! Very good product iphone no way…
i have this phone! Very good product iphone no way…
the sheer size of the screen will be great for looking at porn, checking out the latest tits… what?