Once again, at the request of some friends I thought I’d do a brief review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 that I imported into Australia from the USA. I’ve been playing with it for about 8 weeks and have no regrets with the purchase – really enjoying and liking this tablet. The current lawsuit in Australia that Apple has brought against Samsung to prevent the sale of this tablet; patents are supposed to encourage innovation and help consumers – but in this case the effect is the opposite.
A video comparison of the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 and the Motorola Xoom. We look at the form factor, software, speed and more. Here is our full comparison: www.mobiletechreview.com Check out our review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 at: www.youtube.com Check out our review of the Motorola Xoom at: www.youtube.com
@gowomky I forget what it was called – just do a Google? or Android Market search and you should find it
@pkerry12 Nope. No issues? at all.
@crowdedshack Thank? you!
That was a very good demo of the tab, very nice.?
did? you get the Oil slick fault that all the America’s are talking about the Samsung Galaxy 10.1?
touchwiz ruined? the tab…
what is? the piano app?
@freshmd78 Well this one is WiFi only and so there wouldn’t? be much point to using it as a router. But as for the 3G version I’m not sure sorry, I haven’t checked – good question! I suspect? that it should though.
@Macdude51 yea,? I heard about it.
@killersaad its? rumored in feb that samsung will deploy a 11.6 inch galaxy tab with a resolution of 2560×1600, to compete with ipad 3
@kierenj09 I am trying to decide to wait to see what? iPad 3 has or get 10.1 my self
@southernstate123 I’ve had no issues with “oil slicks” at all. In fact I wasn’t even aware of this “oil slick” issue until I posted this video and started getting questions from? commenters.
@MBvideoclips,? has your Samsung galaxy tablet 10.1 gotten “oil slicks”? I am wandering if I should get one fir Christmas and I want to know the Cons too. Please reply and thanks
can i use? the tab 10.1 as a wireless router like the 7″ version?
okay . i get 8.9 a bit laggy . so i prefer 10.1 . thanks for the reply by the way .?
@mrchocolatefree Hey there, I’m really sorry but haven’t had the chance to play with the 8.9 and so can’t give you a definitive recommendation either way. All I can say is that I? find the 10.1 to be quite light itself, even in the case. I’m pretty sure you’ll be happy with it no matter which one you choose.
dont no what to do for christmas
shall i get the ipad 2
Samsung? Galaxy Tab 10.1
or motorola workshop (then again i have a laptop are tablets good what the battery life like on them) can some one help me thanks
hey, i wanna get this one next week . but before that im a bit confused whether want to choose samsung 10.1 or samsung 8.9? . can u help me to choose please? 8.9 a bit lighter . >.<
i? love it!
@killersaad I’d say that’s a? fairly safe bet – it is a market they need to compete in
is Samsung coming out with a new tablet to compete? to iPad 3?
@MissRosettaBlack Thanks 🙂 I ordered mine from BestBuy in the USA and had it shipped to a friend who forwarded it to me. On the BestBuy site I chose the black instead of the white, 16GB instead of 32GB, WiFi only instead of 3G. I just checked the? BestBuy site and they seem to have both black and white versions. Not sure where you are shopping that only have the white ones? Good luck!
Great review but just one question. The colour on the? back of your is black and I have to say it look alot nicer than the white version but why is yours black and not white like the others? I am going to order one in to australia too for Christmas but all I can find are the whte ones.
Whats Is? Motorola Xoom’s Price In India
@MobileTechReview I got mine from Newegg.com for $379 it was? labeled as “refurbished”, however it came brand new, sealed – 0 scratches…in box and everything. I am in love with this thing, it’s very fast & finally I can keep all my data / contacts organized! Great piece of hardware 🙂
@SuperALyN10 Use a 3rd party player to? play .mkv if the built-in doesn’t work.
Are both work? with .mkv format movie?
why are you supporting a black market item??????? its a dead item! cannot update the Xoom Firmware. why put the update in and kill it????????????????????????????????? Motorola is a scam! a Fucking Scam.? customer service is fucked up!
xoom is shit!? dead firmware. cnnot update update 3.1. CPU TOO SLOW. Micro SD slot dead.
blame on both firmware and harware., apps dead force shut down. LCD screen most of the time I cannot see the screen due to sun light and lighting fixture, Motorola service is fucked up. fake repair service. fucking rude service made in black market china. do not buy the Xoom
Galaxy far? better
@xzystence Excellent! Let us? know how you like it.
Thank you for your great review. Going to order me a? Motorola XOOM right now 🙂 I couldn’t decide until I saw your video.
Great review!!
The USB connectivity and adapters are a? turn off in the Samsung, I think I’ll go for the MOTO 🙂
@faizsaleem118 hehe tnx, i’d rather go for the productive stuff games will come and adroid? is growing anyway.
@rukisan159 I myself would opt for the Galaxy Tab because it’s easier to load office docs on. With an iPad 2 you would need to? connect to iTunes -_-
If you want to play games though you may want to go for the iPad 2 — we all know that the iPad 2 has more games than Honeycomb.
Saw good deals on both of these tablets selling on a? site called MYLILTOYBOX. samsung galaxy for $256.94 and the motorola xoom is goin for $467.31
@TheStardustinthesky There are mobile Office suites that work with Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), and you can get them? from the Android Market.
Great review!
Are any of them? compatible with Microsoft office (Word in particular)?
@rukisan159? hardly depending on your opinion for the OSs. Both are more than enough in terms of speed and graphics – probably more or less the same (my opinion). Your decision is iOS or Android…
1080p like always? – I LOVE IT!
does the Xoom? has call function?
her voice gives? me a head ache 🙁
which do you prefer for school?? Samsung galaxy tab or ipad 2
@johnm9billion Thanks? very much for the support!
Yet another? informative & interesting review from the Lisa. Thanks.
the galaxy Tab I have? it
im buying a xoom…….?