– The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE is a 4G Android -powered tablet with a 7.7-inch Super AMOLED Plus display for Verizon Wireless. It features a dual-core 1.4GHz processor that is backed up by 1GB of RAM and 16GB of built-in storage space. It’s available now for 9 on-contract or for 9 full retail price. More info:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Introducing Samsung Galaxy Note Samsung GALAXY Note is a new type of smartphone, borne of consumer insights and innovation. It is the ultimate on-the-go device which consolidates core benefits of diverse mobile devices while maintaining smartphone portability, creating a whole new experience. * For more product information, visit: and
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i want to know how? many ram galaxy tab 7.7
I just bought one. It is simply? the best tablet i have owned. You need to pay good money to get the best otherwise just get a kindle fire and stop complainning about the price. The display is just gorgeous when compared to lcd displays in other tablets. Eye candy, something you just need to see for yourself and you will understand the price.
Id buy a nice laptop with that money…?
Hey should I get the? droid x2 or incredible 2 tomorrow?
Ahhhh, spelled it? wrong. I love when I do that. Thanks.
Look at the? text at the beginning of the video…
you look like you were chiefing a fatty before you made the video? Lol.
499 on contract? ridiculous?
Test account. That way I don’t have to edit the video to hide stuff, and it’s pre-populated with contacts and such. There’s a 2 and a 3, as well….?
What do you mean? It’s called? the Galaxy Tab 7.7. That appears to be what I wrote everywhere, as far as I can tell.
mini ipad?
looks great? nice video 🙂
Who in their right mind would pay $699. for this? off-contract?
What is the point of having custom UIs if it just lags? up the device? At least they should make it removable.
lag lag? lag
Not having ICS at launch is disappointing ?
Nice review but it’s very sad that it cost so much. And it’s only running hc in the time of ics. I’ll stick with my flyer and galaxy tab 10.1 for now. Sorry Samsung, you need to be more reasonable with? your pricing.
Title card says Galaxt? tab 😉
r u a pc enthusiast,? if u where you would show this to us on a rig!!!!
let it use my £260 gfx and am sold, its still dx 11 plus brother get a tab with more touch points, it supports 5 not that crap? u are using
Great? vid very good info keep them coming 😉 lmao?
I like this its? well to pricey tho 🙁
its? crazy thin………..
all he did is say? “what”…..
Have ICS on? my Galaxy s 2 but didn’t quite like it tbh! 😮
But.. Galaxy note is? high end phone…. Like it…. 😉
When html5? become complete browser? Built it fast ok… I can’t enter my chat in… Beach…. :'(
if u don’t understand what he say? then just ignore it
Really Great Phone
But waiting? for ICS Update
Got this phone today? and im soooo loving it….
Cant wait? for ICS on this phone anyone know the exact date its coming?
I bought this? phone yesterday and its amazing phone. im lovin it 🙂 3
welcome ^^ some Arabic is stupids? write comment Arabic in subject English -_-
thanks ?
20 likes? wow thanks guys new record
haahh he’s said he’s want buy this phone + get me like in youtube? ahhaah
I’ll love to have this for my second? phone
I have this phone and its? just amazing. Great quality screen, outstanding features. I love it.
Wish I had that? phone!
Best Android?
Galaxy Note? HAS Exynos
Today? i purchase note it have veryyyyy veryyyyyy good performance
It’s finally came out? in england on orange. !!!!! Yayyyyy!!!! Lol
If only? at&t didn’t provide service for this I would buy it…instead of having my galaxy tab and my cellphone…i hate at&t
I so hope t mobile will make this available for upgrade for me by the time this ridiculous 2 year contract is up.
Or with any luck there will be second version by the end of this year with LTE and an Exynos processor
(and maybe David Cameron will bother to start selling off the 4g spectrum that’s been sitting there while they add new ways to spy on us using the Digital Economy Bill which has the provision to sell 4g in it).
But I digress…?