Samsung Galaxy Tab hands on and first impressions review from NYC for all four carriers. Samsung Galaxy Tab Review – First Impressions Samsung Galaxy Tab Hands On Samsung Galaxy Tab vs Apple iPad Samsung Galaxy Tab Gallery Adriana checks out the freshly announced Samsung Galaxy Tab at the NYC media event on 9/16/2010. So how does the Froyo-packing Android tablet stack up? Check it out for yourself. PhoneDog Links ———- Website: Facebook Twitter: Forums: Win Free Phones: “Dell Aero” “Dell Aero review” “AT&T Dell Aero” “ATT Dell Aero” Dell Aero review smartphone Android “AT T” “Aaron Baker” PhoneDog Aaron “Phone Dog”
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We managed to get a sneak peek at Samsung’s 7-inch Galaxy Tab Android tablet, which is currently doing the rounds at IFA – Europe’s biggest tech expo. And for your daily gadget fix, visit
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@ElectronikReviews It doesn’t have a shinning Apple and ridiculously high price tag. It doesn’t tap the features that makes people buy iPAD.
@mpney55 possibly 200 dollars
how much is it
well done
good job on those apple freaks
@CMETRIQUE or you can get a life?
Thumbs up if you started to have dirty thoughts @7:30 LoL!!!!!
cont. 2, and don’t come back saying oh my friend has it and i tested it out and all and blah blah blah, fuck your bullshits, get one, play with it, get a video of it after you mess around with it for a month or 2, compare it and then please shove it up your ass because i can fuckin assure you that they are not that fuckin different
cont. just like the ipod when it came out, you dumbasses start to compare it to all MP3 players. get real and get it through your head. just because apple is the badass tech of the earlier days doesn’t mean its still the best you dumbass, and i doubt you shit heads test out any other devices other than the apple bullshit. grow a nut get a life you apple zombies and get your hands on an actual galaxy tab before you post your bullshit about it comparing it to apple
and for all of you who say this is a copy of ipad please stfu and get some real information, there have been many touch screen tablets that already came out before the ipad, nothing that apple came out with didn’t already exist already you dumb fucks. its the matter of how it works how good it works how much it costs and all comes down to personal preferences. you dumbasses are so apple ass kissers that you think everything from apple works better than anything else
its starting to get on my nerves about the apples lunatic saying that samsung makes crappy stuff compared to it, like the galaxy tab, lighter,smaller and runs on froyo, from all the review i seem to see nothing but apple fanboys going apple ftw apple this apple that okay you apple freak nuts name one damn thing that apple can do that samsung can’t? name one damn thing and i will take the answer and shove it up your ass so you can stfu and gtfo.
@husam7861 Dude, u r so newbie..
If I have a “wifi only” model and use skype to make a call . . does the person at the other end also need to have skype and video conferencing . . or can I call just a plain old phone number (i.e., my grandma?)
@AnnaMishel If your using skype through WIFI, it has nothing to do with phone functionality, it will use the wifi your connected to just like a computer. So you can just do video conferencing with your wifi.
Wow I’m not a huge fan of apple stuff but that us a complete iPad rip off XD
flash on this is sick. Usually flash 10.1 running on new devices is super laggy, but not on this.
Copy of the iPad
if the US version does not have the phone functionality . . Does that mean we can’t do SKYPE thru WIFI? Then what in the world is the video conferencing camera for . . if you can’t do skype? Just asking.. So What . . Who Cares?
What is the phone sign for on the web page? I thought the US version wasnt gonna have the phone functionality…??
The iPad is going to be dead once Android tablets like this hit the market… This is just pure awesome.
dam i thought it was going to be noah
@ArtKob23 we’ll see who’s laughing when you realize how much better this is than the iPad
@PSPG0B0Y I cant read that English please? 😀
@carlosbobadillatapia All Carriers!
Im thinking in buy one of this and just get Skype to make phone calls and only pay like $30 @ month since im going to get Unlimited Data with Sprint.
Pappaaellio because flash is so fuckin laggy and unstable jesus just look at the page scrolling and zooming. Its laggy is hell thats why apple dont want that piece of shit software
@carlos53k You’re retarded. What’s so difficult with just adding FLASH support? Apple is a peice of shit.
@ykliu1995 wrong.
apple puts out products not as they should be, just to get out first.
other companies take the time to do it right.
just because you push some half ass device to the market first does not meen you invented it.
The ipads UI is just better, and there is no companies that has a UI as smooth, and as beautiful.
and of course the new tablets have more features, what they do is to take an iPad and put in what they think it’s missing. Just wait for the 2nd gen ipad, and again, others 1:1 copy but added some other features, and a shitty OS.
@zerofriends6 Look apple was the first to bring out the tablet and make it all popular…. then everybody follows…. So yeah when ur gonna copy someone else ur gonna add sum more features…. Lets just wait for APPLE to come out with something new and then guess what everyone can copy that as well…. When apple does something u bet its gonna be dhaaam good…. They just don’t throw features… When its perfected then its released…..
Any way… This by far is looking great….Good Job Samsung
The iPad is definitely overrated. But so is everything. It still has its place. I’ve developed a few iPad apps for work and they’re quite handy – our consultants use them to ‘wow’ customers. Silly, but if it brings in the bucks as a gimmicky ‘point of difference’ over our competitors then we’ll do it. Nature of business my friend.
Still, the current crop of Android devices out-strip Apple’s quite handily in the hardware department. And, having developed for both – I rather the Androids
@socceroos123 No, actually I am not trolling. The ipad sucked as an over sized ipod touch and I can’t believe the Android is going to make a shitty tablet too. These things are stupid, in every way. The one thing you will say is better, is the screen…………well who gives a shit when it has the shitty of a resolution.
Hey, I know you’re just trolling but let me correct the misinformation you’re spewing into the general public’s face.
YES – it can fit in your pocket. It was specifically made as a 7 inch display for this very purpose. I’ve actually measured the dimensions myself and it fits in my pockets comfortably.
YES – there are things that make it better than the iPod Touch 4G. Here’s one: GAMING. iPod Touch graphics? 28 million triangles per second. Galaxy tab? 90 million. Over 3x better.
Fuck’ all the copies of the iPad … Apple is much more Better…
@NateN34 Just putting it out there, how bout it runs android and makes calls could list a hundred things that makes this better then an iPod but those are the main two for me.
Can it fit in my pocket? Oh, you said no? What makes it better than the ipod touch 4g? Oh nothing?
ehh Ipod is better. haha
iPad’s user interface feels smoother to me. The Galaxy’s rotation is more abrupt and the zooming feels a bit rough. Maybe Apple has got multi-touch better figured out.
That was definitely not a swipe fail. Notice the previous swipe to the left.
3:18 slight delay of swipe after rotation. Software updates are always there, so you can’t really make a decision based on one video. It’s just a matter of style and size right now.
I still believe Apple has a huge advantage with iTunes, iBooks, etc…
@aatefmagic defo not a screen fail. its clearly just empty pages, thats why she sed it
I think its not swipe fail..but there are 2 empty home pages she said you can have 8 homepages
the specs are good, but seems kind of slow on everything ~
even swipe are slow ~
@0:32 swipe fail. Shows how suckish the screen is.
@ijskoman007 its bassically the same but this has the cameras.
The only difference being that this is the same story as the iPad, only to be 300 bucks more expensive. iPad is much better
Apple iPad is much nicer than this:P
Apple iPad is much nicer than this:P
@abdul123r no
yes it is
That’s what all phones will eventually look like
Still not smooth as iPad