Comparing Nexus S to Nexus One and Galaxy S and Choosing Between Them

Comparing Nexus S to Nexus One and Galaxy S and Choosing Between Them So you’ve got a decision to make now that Nexus S has officially been announced, yes? You’re sitting around with your Nexus One or Galaxy S device, (we use Samsung Vibrant in this comparison, then additional Galaxy S devices,) and you’re wondering if it’ll be a smart move to switch...

what is the difference between samsung galaxy s and samsung vibrant?

Question by xander: what is the difference between samsung galaxy s and samsung vibrant? samsung galaxy s and samsung vibrant has same specifications..but the price of samsung galaxy s is RS/-28000 whereas samsung vibrant is RS/-15000……… then wat is the difference between the both? Best answer: Answer by JoshSamsung galaxy s is a line of...