How come i don’t get service with my samsung galaxy in places people with sprint get service?

by Cajie Question by : How come i don’t get service with my samsung galaxy in places people with sprint get service? Straight talk says that the samsung galaxy runs off of sprints towers. That is not true because people with sprint service get service in places where i have none, why is this happening and what can i do? Best answer: Answer by...

Q&A: I want the Samsung galaxy tab but i don’t want the plan?

by clintonjeff Question by Dear Traveler: I want the Samsung galaxy tab but i don’t want the plan? is it possible that i would be able to be buy the samsung galaxy tab unlocked on amazon or something and just use it as wifi only? or will the sell it as a wifi only model too? Best answer: Answer by NigelI think you can. But you must shell out more cash to...