Q&A: Is there a Tap Tap Revenge for Samsung Galaxy Tab? or a game that is somewhat alike?

by clintonjeff Question by cassy: Is there a Tap Tap Revenge for Samsung Galaxy Tab? or a game that is somewhat alike? I asked my dad to buy me an ipod touch ‘coz I wanted a Tap Tap Revenge but he bought me a Samsung Galaxy Tab. Is there a Tap Tap Revenge for that? or anything alike? Best answer: Answer by FlixNope, a lot of these apps won’t work on...

Flash Game auf dem Samsung Galaxy Tablet

Zeit für ein Flash Game. Einfach eine Seite aufgemacht und losgezockt. Die Ladezeiten sind gleich derer die ich mit meinem High-End Desktop-PC hinlege und von daher überzeugt Froyo und das Galaxy Tab ausserordentlich. Video Rating: 5 /...

Free Game Apps for Android

Free Game Apps for Android There are over 70,000 apps on the Android Marketplace. If you are new to Android (or even old), then chances are you have missed a few. This book compiles summaries of over 150 free game apps in four categories, to help you decide which app you need for your phone. All of the apps in this book are free. While there are a handful of...