by rosefirerising Question by : Samsung Galaxy Tab Just a few question? Is the samsung galaxy tab the same as the v10.1 galaxy tab ( a new android software on the samsung galaxy tab) or is it another tablet . Does the tab support adobe flash And is it as good as the ipad Best answer: Answer by Jack Owenswow… lots of questions… the answer to your...
Q&A: Is The Samsung Galaxy Tab A Phone Or Just A Tablet?
by claudia.rahanmetan Question by Zay: Is The Samsung Galaxy Tab A Phone Or Just A Tablet? I wanted to know if its a phone also or just a mini computer. If its a phone how could u use it? Best answer: Answer by BoogerschnotYes its a phone. Probably with the provided earphones. Add your own answer in the...
Teardown: Galaxy Tab just a “large-scale smartphone”
Samsung Galaxy Tab Image by salendron Fotos für mein Review auf Teardown: Galaxy Tab just a “large-scale smartphone” Components cheaper than those in an iPad. Read more on iTNews T-Mobile Galaxy Tab up for pre-order at 0 off-contract Amazon has quietly begun taking pre-orders for the T-Mobile version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab that...
Verizon prices Samsung Tab just under iPad
Verizon prices Samsung Tab just under iPad Verizon Wireless, the No. 1 U.S. mobile service, plans to sell Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Tab for US less than Apple Inc’s iPad, but analysts say the new tablet computer is priced too high. Read more on National Post Verizon’s Galaxy Tab May be 0 More than T-Mobile and Sprint’s Offerings Carrier...
Verizon prices Samsung Tab just under iPad
Looking up ‘Heidi Cullen’ on the new Samsung Galaxy Tab Image by Global X Now that I bought the book, let’s see what Wikipedia has to say. The Weather of the Future on the Slate of the Future? Verizon prices Samsung Tab just under iPad Wireless company to sell Android device for 0, but analysts see price as too high Read more on The Globe and...