In this video we’re comparing the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE with the Amazon Kindle Fire, Apple iPad and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. We’re looking at form-factor, user interface, experience, performance and more. Website: Twitter Facebook:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

PhoneArena’s comparison of internet data speed between the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Verizon 4G LTE and the Apple iPad 2 with Verizon 3G EVDO.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Thanks for the review. Good stuff. I’m still? not sure which tablet I want.
@JTBMX1 no, transformer prime is the best? android tablet
is it better than the asus? transformer prime??
You must be joking… I have tab 7.7 and standby times are just phenomenal. Always more than a week with more than an hour of daily usage; yes that includes wifi internet browsing and HD video palyback… And you should take into? account that it takes less than 2/3 time to fully charge than the new ipad
Galaxy is too expensive for 700us with no? contract you can get the new Ipad
I saw their results as well,? but still have to say that the standby time for the 7.7 is not as good as the iPad 2.
First: battery life of the 7.7 is better than on an iOS device as your colleagues from Engadget have found out, the LTE version being even better than the GSM version.
And: I ever and ever again hear and read about the issue of a “sluggish” rotation speed. I’m happy it is the way it is as quicker reaction would lead to annoying turn of the screen even at? small movements of the device. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature!
When will the LagDroid 7.7 Galaxy Tab be avelible in the u.s.? but of course if the Galaxy Tab 7.7 cost as much or more then a iPad? 3, I will get the iPad 3.
It was for other? country, and the carrier version will be delay as always as to get the carrier company to approve and put their silly software on it. (if yours are t-mobile branded)
lol big face at start, I thought? i was looking at a 3D version of you…
Maybe its just me. But your intro’s kinda? get annoying, I think you stand too close or something.
Missunderstanding: The Kindle Fire does not run? ICS, but a custom launcher. Android had hardwareacceleration available since (i think) Froyo, but it was never utilized in the UI (I don’t know why…). Apps could use it and custom launchers did – like the one in the Kindle Fire.
..Yeah but Galaxy Tab is more than twice expensive, that too with a 2 year contract. No thanks!?
since when does the fire? run ICS ?
wow lag..I? hate lag!!!
“It rests nicely in the meat of my thumbpad” – nice? terminology fella.
When will ICS be available for SGS2 T Mobile UK? I? thought it was today?
ICS is a huge improvement, at least on the Asus Transformer 1st Gen. Honeycomb was a cancer and really hurt Android? as a platform.
Damn man! You hot!? 😀
android sucks’?
I’ve been? using ICS on the Touchpad; seems pretty good
I’m hoping ICS really? helps android with the smoothness w/ a few more maintenance updates
When is the? Samsung galaxy tab 7.7 getting ICS update?
iPad 3? for the win!!
Apple sucks! They are a ripoff.? And there computers are absolutely SH**, other then that there good 😀 nice talking to you XD
One key element here is samsung galaxy supports flash while ipad doesn’t. When you load up a page, samsung loads up video ads and other flash contents as well while ipad simply skips that? part. Even if ipad receives 4G network, it will far behind in that aspect. I currently own an iPad 3 and galaxy tab 10.1 so I know what I am talking about
indeed ;P?
Sir, you are? using different networks. Testing should be done on the same network.
thats? sucks you must do it with the new ipad that it is 4G and let see… apple the best…
I don’t know who aplle is, but if you were to read? the news. You would know thats not true at all. I see your an apple fanboy.
omg your an idiot XD samsung buy? aplle parts read the news got dammit!
Let’s not forget that Apple buys most? of their parts from Samsung
thw friggin wheel were invented thousands of years? ago!
a car cant be used without wheels fool!
samsung can run without the same style as ipad
samsung is more quickly,some times it seems to be slower? becasue it has a larger screen,therefor more infomations to download.
all cars have 4 wheels, who copy? who ?
i? thing you drunk to mutch dude haha
for those below who are looking for an? iPad 2 for Free, simply go to:
was sind das für scheiss vergleiche?!?
samsung tab ist eine nachmachung vom ipad und fertig. wenn ihr mit gefälschter billigware? umherlauft, dann ist das nicht mein Problem. Ipad ist immer noch am besten.
Alle sagen immer das iPad ist so scheisse, aber selber wollen dann alle immer mit meinem Spielen bis zum umfallen. Sogar die, die ein samsung tab haben.
@4everapplesucks, I understand you. But? nevertheless we all like iPad, what to do? We hate other products. We Apple fans see other companies; Sony, Samsung, you name it are all shits. Their products look and feel like shit, they definitely have shit services, AND their customers “you” in this case sounds like a big SHIT.
Now with retina display, A5X and 4G speed, Apple’s new iPad has become a real beauty. I believe millions will purchase it. I always deny Apple’s product because? I want to differentiate myself from the mass but this time I really fall in love with the new iPad. And I think it’s time for me to dump my noob samsung tab which I think is very “ugly”.
HAHH!!? what a rich idot!!, android owns 70% of smartphone market share and ios = 15%, do u know why?? bcuz peoples at last were not brainwashed by apple, and they found the truth!! android gives 7 homescreens,widgets,customization,multi-tasking,usb-on-the-GO, etc…. ure just a fat KID who doesnt know anything about techs…..sits on the sofa all Day and Night PLAYING HD GAMES ON THAT SUCKING IPAD FROM SUCKING COMPANY APPLE !! hahah LOoSER go-to-hell!!
agreed, better say? i-garbage LOL
you are -? garbage
Apple products – Garbage?
If you ask me its “useless” because 95% of all smartphone (tablet) users have a bandwitch limit for example 300mb…
Btw the Browser? u are using is very important
For example Opera Mini is MUCCCCCHHH faster then Safari
If iam using Opera with limited Internet speed then its so fast like iam using Safari with WLAN
stupid poor cunt, stop sucking the system ? and spending the money on poor sungsung.
are? you idiot… ont the same wifi you should NOT start TEST at the same time…
This is the worst review I’ve seen yet of either tablet. The jackass who made this video didn’t think that perhaps he should have repositioned his cheap ass Walmart cam so we could clearly see each screen??? You can barely see? anything which makes this video irrelevant and a fail.