Question by trans- formed: Anyone want a Christian’s perspective on 2012 and the ‘end of the world’?
I hear a lot about it, and there are plenty of attention-mongers on the airwaves using the “subject” to get some publicity for themselves. And a lot of people ask about it here in Yahoo Answers R&S. But there is very little to it. I may be off a little on this, but my understanding from all I’ve heard is that the ancient Mayan’s, who had incredible knowledge about star-gazing and time-keeping, made a prolific calendar that stopped at the winter solstice of 2012 (December 21, I think). But they did not mention anything about that time or why their calendar ended on that time. Maybe they ran out of stone tablets, or the wife of the calendar-maker said ‘Enough already! Come to bed!’. But many attention-mongers are speculating all kinds of things. People are saying the world will end then, or humanity will be destroyed then. Others that the earth will experience a major disruption due to our constant re-positioning in the galaxy (which sounds very plausible to me). Others are playing it safer and saying it’ll be a time of new attitude, some supernatural, spiritual epiphany of humanity. Personally, I don’t think the date means anything at all. However, as a Christian, I am saddened to think of how people try and will try to make something out of it because of their motivation. Aside from wanting to foreknow an event before your neighbors, I think there is a strong motivation in every non-Christian to experience something supernatural and/or positive on a global scale. I suppose it’s natural, but could it be dangerous? We all have a need for what Christians have received – the New Life obtainable for the asking through the Lord Jesus Christ. But denying this life-fulfilling personal event, people are eager to witness any other type of supernatural event, and this sets them up for possible great deception. Some, like me, believe there is coming in the relatively near future a great deception of Satan preceding the short global rule of Antichrist (spoken mostly of in The Revelation in the Bible). Since the Rapture (vanishing) of the Saved is believed to be an event prior to that 7-year Great Tribulation period, non-Christians will be left behind and will have all sorts of explanations for what happened. I believe what MIGHT happen is that Satan is taking and will take advantage of the shocking situation. I believe he will pervert the facts. Possibly using a religious leader to promote the idea that God did take people off the planet, but that he took the “less-enlightened backward Christian-types”, and that they who were left are the more advanced ones. This would keep people from repenting in Jesus’ name, which is the whole reason for the Great Tribulation period to follow. Also, according to the Bible, the world does physically end 1,000 years following the end of that 7-year Tribulation, when God will remake the earth entirely. But the coming Tribulation (described in detail in the Bible’s The Revelation) is not and should not be referred to as ‘the end of the world’, although about 2/3 of humanity will die then. As always though, there is hope, fulfillment, joy, life, and love in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Does anyone have a brief belief related to this? (jokes are welcome too)
I guess most people don’t read question text well on here, because so many have tied my writing about 2012 with the Christian Rapture event as if I think the Rapture might occur then. But I am well aware that no one is to know that date. That was not something I was implying at all. Just that I believe non-Christians are hungry for any impressive event and so are latching onto this 2012 thing as something major, when there is NO reason to expect anything. That this 2012 hype going around supports my belief that non-Christians will also bite at any lie that sparkles when the Rapture doe occur (whenever it does occur). I also wanted to know if anyone had additional thoughts anout any of these things.
Best answer:
Answer by Bob
What do you think? Answer below!
Not really but thanks for the offer. Good luck in 2012!
Did I ask?
I don’t remember asking.
No. Keep your religion to yourself.
No thank you. I can only imagine how insipid it might be.
Israel is God chosen People. The bible for tells us. What things will take place? Many people believe the Lord Jesus Christ will retune to rapture the church in 2012.Others don’t believe in a rapture. And other doesn’t believe at all. The word rapture is not in the bible, It is a Greek word that means to be caught up together. If you are not born again you will not go to heaven. Everything that the Bible teaches is either been full filled or being full filed. My believe as many more are now starting to believe the rapture will take place this year. The Lord has told us what will take place. The bible talks about the second coming. At the same time it is talking about the rapture. You have to know the different. The Bible talks about there will be wars and rumors of wars.
Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. This all happened when the Iraq was started
Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
This has been taken place over the past years.
Matthew 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Which this means that this is the beginning of tribulation.
Matthew 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
Matthew 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
This is telling us that he will come in the spring and not on Saturday. Because Saturday is the sabbath day.
Matthew 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Matthew 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
This scripture is talking about Israel and when it became a state. Israel became a state back in 1943 but not recognized till 1948.That is why Israel celebrated 60 years last year. So by the end April this year this generation will have past.
I know people have been told all their life’s that the Lord is coming. But till now the Bible was not full filled as it is now.
Many people like to hold on to the scripture that says. No man knows the hour or the day, not even the angel’s heaven. This is right no man does know the hour or day. The Lord never said we would not know the month or year.
The Muslims want to force everyone to believe as they do. God doesn’t force anyone to believe. The choice is yours.
No cuz all end of world predictions are BS and not true.
The only way the world will end is if the US or Russia launches a lot of nukes and even then I bet some creatures would still survive long enough to evolve into another Intelligent race.
i dont think 2012 will be the great tribulation, mainly because we know about it, and the day ‘will come as a thief’ we arent supposed to know when it comes because there will otherwise be no point
2012 was when a calander just so happened to end
They ran out of rocks. Slightly more logical than “OMG the calendar stops here, it must be the end of the world!”
Crikey I couldn’t read all that.
Nobody can tell the exact date we have till the big man returns, it could be any when.
If someone really believes that’s the date, then that’s up to them, maybe god gave them a dream?
Just gotta keep trying to live a clean life till he comes
You started out good, but failed on understanding how the Mayan calender works. Their calendar does not end, one of it’s cycles does, just like our calendar does not end at a decade or century.
No, not really.
Reveletion- The End – etc it will happen, but in 2021? Who knows.
God never stated the time on the world ending. He just warned us to watch out for the signs He detailed in the book of Reveletion.
Rememeber people thought the world would end in 2006,6th 6th hour etc. and it did not.
Mark 13:32) “Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.
Hmmm. An article in the form of a question . . .Clever
I don’t believe its has too happen
I believe we as a race should take
responsibility and start over healing
the planet I don’t believe were doomed for
extinction the end is near its over
we have the power too create a new
world new things Nothing Is Over
we are just getting started
its a shame most pepole dont feel this
way open your eyes
I think we should call Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck and put them in a space ship. They can save the world from ending.
But seriously…I read your dissertation. It was semi-interesting until you starting going on about the “Rapture”. It became comical then. Jokes are welcome? This rant was a joke. Christian perspective….LOL.
Sorry…rapture is not a word from the Greek text.
Here’s what I want to know.
All Christians who’ve read the Bible should be familiar with the verse stating that only God knows when the world will end. Apparently, some of these Christians also believe that there’s some sort of “Divine Leak” about 2012.
How many Christians out there believe anything ELSE the Mayans came up with: numerous gods, human sacrifice, slavery, etc.? And if they don’t believe in anything else the Mayans believe in, why are they seizing on the end of the Mayan calendar, and turning it into an apocalyptic prophecy?
Finally, IF the Mayans actually intended their calendar to point to the end of the world, wouldn’t that mean that THEIR gods were right?
There are some who say the rapture is not in the Bible. It”s true that the Bible never uses the term rapture. Here’s the definition:
rap·ture (rpchr)
1. The state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy.
2. An expression of ecstatic feeling. Often used in the plural.
3. The transporting of a person from one place to another, especially to heaven.
1. extreme happiness or delight
2. raptures ecstatic joy: they will be in raptures over the rugged scenery [Latin raptus carried away]
rapturous adj
The word rapture may not be said but it perfectly carries the meaning perfectly well. The word that comes close is translation as in “when Christ comes and fulfills his promise and we are translated into heaven. “Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son”.
Definition of translation:
Definitions of translation on the Web:
* a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language
[[[* a uniform movement without rotation]]]
* transformation: the act of changing in form or shape or appearance; “a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface”
* (mathematics) a transformation in which the origin of the coordinate system is moved to another position but the direction of each axis remains the same
* (genetics) the process whereby genetic information coded in messenger RNA directs the formation of a specific protein at a ribosome in the cytoplasm
* rewording something in less technical terminology
* the act of uniform movement