CAN ANYONE HELP ME ON THIS ONE. I got a new Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 7.0″ (WiFi Only) ?

Question by theresa howell: CAN ANYONE HELP ME ON THIS ONE. I got a new Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 7.0″ (WiFi Only) ?
ok i went to youtube got signed in and tried to go to my favorite list and can not figure it out. it is a Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 7.0″ (WiFi Only) how the heck do i get to my favorite list i can not figure it out. it only shows videos and i have looked for it. please someone out there must know how to get to my account. it signed me in but then i can not find how to get to my favorites.

Best answer:

Answer by Renata
You can go to this site and download the user manual guide, then go to the info you need

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