Kim Titus – Director of Public Relations for Samsung Mobile USA goes over a few key features of the recently announced Samsung Galaxy S Android powered smart phone.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Phone Arena reviews the Samsung Galaxy I7500. It is the first Samsung phone running Android OS. It features 3.2-inch touch-sensitive AMOLED screen with a resolution of 320×480 pixels, 5MP camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, 8GB internal memory and microSDHC card slot…. For our full text review click the following link.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
iPhone 4 the win!
@Choppini because there are 3 or 4 different phone models on the Galaxy S line of samsung phones.
key thing on that phone on the back “with google”
Oh and that guy who said Iphone fake, whatever Samsung have just made a good as phone which is not a corporate rip off!!!
@PiceOfChocolate grow up
And while were talking about the back let’s not talk about the fact that we didn’t put on a flash because that kinda sucks.. nice phone though! im getting it
Lol. samsung should just stick to the POS phones they make. Leave good one’s to APPLE.
@Choppini thts the samsung wave
I think I came in my pants. HELLO NEW PHONE
i think i nuted my self im getting this
the only bad thing about this phone is NO FLASH …
but it really killing iphone in many countries ..
Flash sucks its dead. HTML 5 is the future.
@jorgetasse it looks like it
1:57 htc keyboard! come on ! be more original,,, hahaha but compare to samsung galaxy andriod to iphone4 app iphone i can’t find any free apps.. about flash samsung cam has a setting night mode,zoom, and the video you can push and continue, my iphone 4 no zoom for video and when you press push it totally stop video another record no continues, thats what i was disappointed but iphone4 case its georgeous hahaha
1: 57 Iphone keyboard! come on ! be more original
But no flash…
no flash!?:(wtf!!why the hell are they making badass phones with no flash’flash is a must!!
it is a Wave. I am guessing they made the video before the phone was available. The Wave does come with many of the same samsung features as the Galaxy S
yea right .. I’m buying unlocked phones .. and I wanna check my stocks!! .. get real
is he high???
2:37 – But..why do you need the phone number of the restaurant you’re standing in front of?
@evilhungrymonkey and better
@lziz4net thanks for your nice reply.. ^^
But I didn’t bought any of those yet, but I think I’m gonna buy the Desire, I only know the specifications of the phone’s, I based my opion on that.
have a look, prolly avail end 2010 or begin 2011
I’ll send you the links per message
is this phone better than the monte ? plz any one have info plz reply !!!!
haha nicee! 😀 , hey check out my New droid Comercial! let me know what you think! 🙂
@DS2110ful and i should know my accent as well no he’s not from sweden
Basura me gusta mas el corby
sweden maybe
@supern4t the wave, cuz its more expesive=)
i recon the samsung jet and samsung preston have much better looks then the glaxy cos the galaxy just looks just ugly dosnt even look like a touch phone just dosnt even have the numbers all they need is the hang up buttong and the answer button not the return button it would just get way to annoying thumbs up if u guys agree or pm on my channel or visit and watch my vids
0:47 touch screen fail?
@megatron4444 agreed!!! i think that it should be infront of the iphone
How Much is this phone on pay as you go on 02?
idiots have you seen how good and responsinve the wave is. and i doubt its not android because it is so fast and just as an added bonus the still camera and the video camera are extremely good
@TAYOTAS I have the phone a year. So much PROBLEMS ! god , its a nightmare
Which is better this or the wave
coz its an toy not an operating system , android has its own java vertual machin on ,linux kernel with time more faster computer ill come making it ultra responsive then bada ill fail coz its not scalable as linux kernel.
@zfjquery wave is soooooo awsome and responsive
@12389zombie around 200 $
@yaaracohen ur wrong
how much would this phone cost???
your voice is so touching
I thinking about buying this phone. So does any of you have this one? Please tell me how is it!!! Does everything work properly? Is the battery ok, on how many days you have to charge it? Does the screntouch work good and fast?
Please help me!
Thw worset phone ever !!!
LQL i can see ur numbers. Anton- 0899015181, Did- 35989858501.
@ultimatetoturial56 Which sucks horribly. Galaxy S wins.
i am looking for the answer did u get it ?
please let me know