Joanna Stern of This is my next/The Verge takes you, dear viewer, through the intricacies of the Samsung’s latest update for the Galaxy Tab 10.1: the new TouchWiz UX. Full review here:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
BITTER RIVALS Khidr Suleman and Chris Martin fight to the metaphorical death over the best 7in tablet currently on the market. This video face-off features three 7in tablets that are assessed on their various merits, and a winner is crowned. But which will triumph? The Blackberry with its boxy good looks and superb business appeal? The older, but still excellent Samsung Galaxy Tab with its full smartphone capability? Or will it be the HTC Flyer, with its daft pen input and crazy inability to make a phone call? Our reviewers make their calls, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide. µ
you make the tablet sound likes its shit ” yeah its a little bit laggy ” fucking whore your shit and reviewing things and your voice is so annoying LOL you fucking bitch fuck right off
She didn’t mention one of the best features of TouchWiz, the screenshot button!
so basically they added few gimmicks, sluggishness and lag … just like any other TouchWiz/MotoBlur/OtherCrap
can you download programs to this like a laptop?
The Verge?? Does that mean” A La VERGA” in Spanish? Lol Never mind.. keep the answer to yourself.
does anyone else feel that the word “Widget” is really annoying?? Fuck that word.
the 3 dislikes are blackberry playbook fanboys
V for The Verge!!! gotta love this woman
The point is that this update makes the tab laggy.
@OriginalZero yes the update is optional. if you download it , and you don’t like it you can remove it… I download it and I love it. I recommend people to give it a try. After all I think you need it if you want to update the galaxy tab to honeycomb 3.2 wich should fix some bugs.
I have watched probably 5 other videos on the update, and nobody else has even shown the gestures. Thanks pretty lady:-)
those gestures are corny as hell. why do people have such bad taste?
Those new gesture she mention are just dumb who would actually use that …and I was planning to get on because of the light weight and how slim the device is. But I don’t want touch wiz so I’m going to wait ..
Samsung knows Touchwiz sucks that’s why they are forcing people to update if they want any other Honeycomb updates. That I guess is the “wonder” of Samsung.
Stock Android is still better, I guess the xoom is it
1:10 really it’s the best part of this video……!!!!
Lol @ the camera zooming in on the rack first. @1:05
Anyone hear the background noise like someone screaming in a horror movie?
Good video
can I get rid of touchwiz UX… if i were to update to their proprietary honeycomb build, is it possible in any way to either disable or get rid of touchwiz entirely? plz let me know, because I wanted to get this tab on friday, and i’d prefer it to have stock honeycomb
I would have gotten it if I could continue to get Android updates without installing TouchWiz on top of it. I guess I’ll wait and see if Google launches stock Ice Cream Sandwich on new hardware at the end of the year.
OMG!! Why do she appears so angry on this interview!! She’s just dry dissing such a beautiful and innovative device. WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU @Thisismynextvideo ?? BE HAPPY. Jeesh
You drag up for mini app tray.
why does anyone go and buy Flyer for that Price!
Playbook looks really cool but as we know BB always Lack of Fun Fact :/ not enough apps.
Samsung simply outdated but Looks the best overall ,Price+android+dimensions…
I use Archos 70 and quite happy light,slim,updates comes quite fast 🙂
these are all nobodys no one carries these hp all the way
Seriously unless you own all three and have used them for 6 months then you are just a fanboy. Your opinion is worthless.
still on SAMSUNG 🙂
playbook wins
the galaxy tabs lags a lot don’t like it
When you compare the prizes. I’d go for samsung. It’s perfect and HTC “What kind of a prize is that ? ” We’re not going into space, are we ???
playbook all the way. i am watchin this on one
flyer wins …. well built and faster but price is too expansive i waiting for price down….
Galaxy tab wins
Hello my name is Mykhal Polite and my birthday was on July 31st and I was wondering if I could have the HTC Flyer.
The HTC is a waste of time compared to the samsung in my opinion
Some items missing from review on galaxy. Navigation when set via wifi. continues to work all the way to destination. draft emails can be made and sent when near a wifi spot. The panorama scamera is incredible. it will combine 8 images takenas you rotate in a circle. all cropping of images is done on screen. mine is handleing 6 gmail accounts without a problem. the 10.1 records hidef video. amazingly powerful business tool. no data plan necessary.