Guest blogger, Noah Kravits reporting live from Barcelona at the 2011 Mobile World Congress. Noah had a chance to check out the new Samsung Galaxy Tab featuring Tegra 2 at MWC 2011.
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www.netbooknews.com – We are checking out the performance of the new Samsung Galaxy Tab by running Need for Speed Shift on it.
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can you? play games on this crap
the future is very close…i can almost taste it.?
looks awsome, but who would even whant a big mobile like that XD`? but it? could work for the car though.
@laidt0rest agreed I was just trying to be reasonable.?
The existing Galaxy? Tab is like £400, I’d hate to see the price of this thing.
2:30? On the middle right is the Aberture Science inc. logo xD
Actually not. But it looks like it.
@thewebmogul you can set it to capture less? pixels.
damn that thing is nice…?
pretty nice to see HD movies with those 1280 x 800 pixels and nvidia gpu :D?
Apple has reached it’s peak IMO.? It’s downhill from here.
The fact? that it uses a NVIDIA gpu is proof enough that God uses it 😀
@SonsOfHateSphere That is true, it’s better then any of my shitty camera’s though.?
looks way better than a ipad, apple couldn’t even get a camera there tablet?
Front 2MP camera that will make it too slow and slugish to use for video? chat
Too? Big to carry out. I prefer 7 inch more better
samsung did? it again 😀
Thing I love about apple? is, they just sneak up on you and you’re surprised.
Everything seems to? work better with nvidia and their technology :O
@2007excalibur2007 The fact is what you do? with it that makes it better from something that already does almost everything right .
@Scatmanbrandt Becuase 8MP is like? a standard digital camera. Or my phone LOL! There are reasons why some single-lens reflex cameras cost more than 2x GTX 580 😉
@othman626? SOLD!!! lol
@richfilmswales Of course it will! It has a chip inside it done? by the world’s best graphics cards company!
@2007excalibur2007 “The fact that it uses a? GeForce GPU is proof enough that this is better than the iPad.” – A device is good based on both hardware and software (user experience).
Apple devices have always been inferior hardware-wise and even most hardcore apple-fans will admit that. Its how that hardware is used that makes or breaks the? experience. If the tegra (android app store) has only like 2 games that barely use the tegra’s 3d power, then it doesn’t mean much.
NFS only on stock 2.2 but hard to? find an APKfor GT running on CM7
@hedarfoota Responsible for what?!? XD
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@Grodyann that happens? alot…
@HisHighnessSajjad cuz he was supposed to say “responsive”? instead of it says “responsible’ haha
@hedarfoota? What’s wrong?
@Grodyann Same? here.. 🙂
@fossilshale? nope dont care
@Poo597 ever? played nfs?
pleasee tell me how to install & download this? thing…pleasee…
hey its a Samsung ipad.? : )
I saw? that this video (on the side list) is only 0:00 long!
fuck? you bich
dont drink and drive by the way..? haha
is? it still worth gettin one of these
Mr? German man sold me.
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haha? cash: 9,999,99,9 heh
No it doesn’t, it works on every device which has Android 1.6+ and which have a resolution of at least? 800×400
It looked like this guy gonna tilt over?
That`s? cool
@23KarlKoch23 so true ipad two will have 2 cams…y did the 1st not have 2……total? horse shit
@23KarlKoch23 so true ipan two? will have 2 cams…y did the 1st not have 2……total horse shit
@evilhomer450? That’s because it’s based off one.