Jon Q from TechnoBuffalo gives his thoughts on the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Tab. TechnoBuffalo: Follow me on twitter: Samsung Galaxy Tab First Impressions Samsung Galaxy Tab First Impressions Samsung Galaxy Tab First Impressions
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Brandi reports that the Samsung Galaxy tablet is heading to US Cellular. T-Mobile is slated to receive the tablet Nov 10th, Sprint on Nov 14th, and Verizon on Nov 11th. Samsung hasn’t released any pricing nor rate plans for US Cellular. The Samsung Galaxy is Samsung’s first try at a tablet to compete directly with the Apple’s iPad and soon to be released Blackberry Playbook. For more cellphone news and reviews, please visit
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Jon has another channel: WaffleJon!
Jon, I love your videos from TW, but you said they lazily named the Tab, and the “iPhone” isn’t lazy?
So…. Are you also here becouse of the reviews of the other john ??:P
I don’t care about Jon your better take over his channel !!!!!
Obviously a CrAppleholic iFad Lemon lover! Spreading more propaganda than facts about Samsung’s Galaxy Tab. That’s really loaded w/ far better features to help you keep Tabs on all your Web related social networking & why in fuck does he insist on cutting on one of the features that makes this such a great hybrid device? It’s ability to make calls!!! I mean it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that using a phone like a phone is passe to an earphone. Plus the Tab has newest BlueTooth 3.0! ^_^
Cheese cake
Define “more tablet oriented stuff”?
why did you quit tehkseven?
please comeback to tehkseven please!!
i miss you
everyone misses you!!!!
This a good tablet, but I think the best on is the Lenovo U1 Hybrid, It’s a 2 in 1 Tablet, that you can dock into a laptop when needed. Check out a video of it on my channel, Just click my name.
where is the galaxy tab? you made lose my time. to see your face is like a hit in the balls!
Haha dude you’re awesome
Go cheesecake!!
..didnt he used to work for PhoneDog?? :O
in that case….WHHHY!?! 😀
cake is so delicious-able and full of yumyums. mm.
Jon Q making that dough!
Wheres Jon??? :/
@ABfan97 Search “TechWaffle”. That’s his channel. He does Tech stuff.
you’re incredibly entertaining
thumbs up for..uhm… the asian dude?
what. a. legend
Whats this guys channel?
Samsung galaxy tab is a beta product in your opinion? Have you actually used it? Its not even out yet.
how old are you and where can we meet?